Work in progress prototype for working title platformer.

Concept is to allow the user to create platforms based on a limited resource to solve puzzles by avoiding enemies and reaching the end goal


A/D - Move Left/Right

Space - Jump

Left Click - Place platform block

R - Reset at last checkpoint (Held)

v0.0.1 (3/31/17) - Initial upload. Basic functionality present, however no level content is present.

v0.0.2 (4/1/17) - Fixed scrolling background, added more platforms

v0.0.3 (4/4/17) - Added checkpoints, reset button. Changed level content due to build error (To be fixed)

v0.0.4 (4/4/17) - Fixed issues with blocks not despawning offscreen. I hope.

v0.0.5 (4/4/17) - Really fixed issue from 0.0.4

Assets taken from the following:!/content/82090!/content/20580

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